Chapter 7 Back to Contents


Chapter 7


7.1 Introduction

In order to develop feeding systems information on the n u tri tional characteristics of feed resources must be related to the requirements for nutrients accord­ing to the purpose and productivity of the animals in question. In the industrialised countries, this in­formation has been incorporated in tables of feeding standards, which interpret chemical analyses of feed resources in terms of their capacity to supply the en­ergy, amino acids, vitamins and minerals required for a particular productive purpose. These standards are steadily becoming more sophisticated with the aims of improving their effectiveness in predicting rates of animal performance and to derive least-cost formula­tions.

7.1.1 Limitations to "conventional" feeding standards

The relevance of feeding standards for developing countries, particularly those in the tropics, has been questioned from the socio-economic standpoint (Jackson 1980). It has been apparent for many years that feeding standards based on assigned nutritive values (eg. net energy) are misleading when uncon­ventional feed resources are used (eg. Preston 1972; Leng and Preston 1976; Gaya et al. 1981), since the levels of produetion achieved may be consideably less than that predieted. More importantly, this often led to the rejection of many available feed re­sources which apparently were too low in digestible energy to supply the energy needed for production. It also encouraged researchers to copy feeding systems used in temperate countries which are relatively "pre­dictable", but which require feed resources that are inappropriate on socio-economic grounds in most de­veloping countries.

A new approach to the development of feeding sys­tems, not based on conventional "feeding standards" , is needed because:

In the early 1960s, Professor Max Kleiber ex­pressed a similar concern for these issues and stated that (as quoted by Kronfeld 1982):

To this could be added that the availability of these nutrients, and their interactions, affect the efficiency with which nutrients are used.


The misconceptions inherent in any system based primarily on feed analysis are that it is almost impossible to predict:

For these technical reasons, and also because of differing socioeconomic circumstances, it is proposed that a more appropriate objective for developing countries is to "match livestock production systems with the resources available" (Chapter 1).


This chapter sets out the guidelines for applying these concepts to the development of feeding systems that should make best use of locally available re­sources and which should be built on traditional prac­tices. Farming systems in developing countries are notoriously difficult to change and innovation must be introduced gradually without inducing excessive risk, which may directly affect the well-being of the family of a poor farmer.


This chapter aims to:

7.1.3     Animal response to non­conventional feed resources

Doubts concerning the usefulness of feeding stan­dards for ruminants in tropical countries surfaced during development work in Cuba (Preston and Willis 1974) in the 1970s when livestock produc­tion systems were being established using non­conventional feed resources (ie. diets containing a large proportion of molasses). This research demon­strated that small inputs of bypass protein (Peruvian fishmeal) dramatically increased growth rate and feed efficiency of cattle. However, because of the higher demand for critical nutrients by lactating animals,

high milk production could not be supported on di­ets in which molasses comprised a large proportion of the total feed intake (Figure 4.17) .


This work demonstrated the high potential yield of animal products from sugar-cane and stimulated re­search in Mexico, Mauritius and the Dominican Re­public that attempted to establish cattle production systems applying the principles developed for feeding molasses (high-sugar diet) (Preston et al. 1976).


Research on the feeding value of whole sugar-cane demonstrated that:

The implication of these two sets of findings is that rumen function did not provide the required balance of nutrients for productive purposes (Leng and Pre­ston 1976).


Recognition of the role of bypass protein in low-N diets led to research aimed at increasing productivity of cattle and sheep on a range of fibrous feeds (Leng et al. 1977). This is discussed in Chapters 8 and 9. Prior to this work these feeds were considered to have little value other than to support maintenance and were universally referred to as "low quality" fibrous feeds. It was generally believed that the only recourse was to improve their digestibility, in particular by alkali treatment (Jackson 1977, 1978).


The value of alkali treatment was obscured by the fail u re to recognise the fundamental importance of providing nutrients to create an efficient rumen ecosystem and to meet the animal's potential pro­ductivity (Leng 1982c; Preston and Leng 1984).


Combining alkali treatment and appropriate sup­plemen tation has led to practical feeding systems based on rice straw being applied on farms in Bangladesh (Dolberg et al. 1981; Davis et al. 1983) and Sri Lanka (Perdok et al. 1982; Jayasuriya 1984).


Alkali treatment of straws is a difficult operation for small farmers. However, development of princi­ples for supplementary feeding has led to significant improvements in the utilisation of straw as animal feed, particularly in India (see Leng and Preston 1984 and Chapter 11).


The importance of these developments was not so much the use of molasses or straw in animal feeding, since both have been incorporated into diets for rumi­nants in industrialised countries for many years, but in the magnitude of the contribution of molasses and straw to the total dietary dry matter. In industri­alised countries molasses and straw rarely comprise more than 10 to 15% of the diet, the rest of the ration being cereal grains, high-protein forage and oilseed cakes. In contrast, in developing countries the feed­ing regimes aim to incorporate molasses or straw as the principal component of the diet because they are available locally, and because the use of grain for live­stock feeding is restricted for financial, political and socioeconomlc reasons.


Animals fed diets based on sugar, straw or dry pas­tures have a much larger response to supplementation with small amounts of bypass protein than animals on a diet based on cereal grain (Table 7.1). However, even when these diets are supplemented with bypass protein, feed utilisation efficiency is lower than that obtained on diets of similar metabolisable energy cotent but with a large part of that energy contributed by cereal grain (Pigden 1972; Redferne and Creek 1972). The inefficiency with which energy is used ap­pears to be most pronounced when the host animal has a high demand for amino acids and glucose pre­cursors (eg. the lactating cow) (Clarke et al. 1972; Chopping et ai. 1970; Perdok et al. 1982).


There are many reasons why cattle when fed mo­lasses or straw as the main components of a diet are more responsive to supplementation and/or manip­ulation of the rumen when these ingredients are a small proportion of the diet. Some of these differ­ences can be explained on the basis of interactions and associated effects among nutrients and between nutrients and the site of digestion. These are dis­cussed in Chapters 3, 4 and 5.


Feeding standards are almost impossible to apply to the grazing animal because of selective grazing and the difficulties of estimating their intake of pasture.

7.1.4 Nutritive value

In order to accurately predict responses in productiv­ity to supplements with a particular diet, it is neces­sary to take account of the constraints to metabolism. These relate specifically to the protein, gluc.ogenic en­ergy, VFA energy and long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) energy in the end-products of fermentative and in­testinal digestion as a function of total metabolisable energy intake, since the balance of these determines the animal's productivity.

Productivity of ruminants is influenced primarily by feed intake, which in turn is determined by the digestibility of the feed and the capacity of the diet to supply the correct balance of nutrients required by animals in different productive states. Therefore the two major variables that need to be considered are:

The balance of nutrients available depends upon:

A t present it is not possible to predict nutrient re­quirements and to match these with the availability of nutrients because ofthe many interactions between the animal, its rumen microbial ecosystem and the diet.


Usually the most widely available and cheapest feeds for ruminants in most developing countries are crop residues and, to a lesser extent, agro-industrial byproducts and native pasture. Protein meals, de­rived from oilseed residues and the processing of an­imals, fish and cereal grains are expensive and often unavailable.

Table 7.1: Some selected examples of the effects of feeding a bypass-protein meal (EP) to sheep and cattle given different basal diets all supplemented with adequate amounts of fermentable-N


Growth rate (g/d)



Bypass protein

  Basal diet





Fish meal

Barley grain



0rskov et al. (1970)


Fish meal

Sugar / chaff



Bird et al. ( 1979)


Pellets (1)

Barley straw



Bird et al. (1981)


Fish meal




Preston & Willis (1974)


Fish meal

Cane juice



Duarte et al. (1981)


Fish meal




Smith et al. (1979)


 Fish meal

Ammoniated rice straw



Saadullah et al. (1982)


Cottonseed meal




Lindsay & Loxton (1981)

 1. Contained formaldehyde-treated cottonseed meal, meat meal and fish meal 


In general terms, energy (the basic feed resource) and fermentable N (urea) are relatively inexpesive ingredients, while the sources of amino acids and glucogenic compounds (the protein meals, ce­real grains and cereal byprod ucts) are very expensi ve. Since fermentation of carbohydrate provides the eergy for microbial growth, and as the feed is often of low digestibility, it is generally desirable to supply fermentable energy on an ad libitum basis. Therefore the basal diet should be freely available.


As a rule of thumb, 3 g of nitrogen are needed per 100 g offermentable carbohydrate to support efficient microbial growth. It is not always necessary to pro­vide this amount since some feed protein will be fer­mented to ammonia and some urea-N may enter the rumen in saliva. In addition there is evidence that the rumen microbes need small amounts of amino acids and other nutrients for efficient microbial growth.


The potential of the diet to satisfy the animal's re­quirements for amino acids and glucogenic precursors depends on the pattern of fermentation and on the proportions of dietary protein and starch that escape fermentation and are digested in the intestines.


The extent to which the protein in a supplement passes through the rumen intact is partly a function of its rate of degradation (solubility) in the rumen, and is likely to be influenced greatly by the rate of flow of fluid and small particles out of the rumen. The latter characteristic is influenced by processing of the feed (physical or chemical), the presence of green forage, the amount of protein reaching the duodenum and external factors such as temperature and exercise or work.


The same factors influence the supply of glucose and glucogenic precursors in terms of the amount of starch that is likely to bypass the rumen to the duo­denum. However, the nature of rumen fermentation will have a major influence in terms of supply of pro­pionic acid for glucose synthesis.


There is insufficient information to permit the pre­cise quantification of the proportions of the different nutrients required for different productive states (see Chapter 4). Nevertheless, the needs of animals can be approximated. The suggested scheme attaches rel­ative priorities to the groups of nutrients according to the physiological and biochemical processes undelying the expression of the particular productive state (see Table 7.2).


Table 7.2: Relative priorities attached to the require­ments for long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), amino acids (AA), oxidation (VFA) energy (C2) and gluco­genic energy (Synthesis energy C3:C6) according to the productive function of the animal


Relative priorities
















Late growth /






xxx x




Early growth





High milk





Medium milk





Low milk





Source: Preston and Leng 1984


The groups of nutrients to be varied for different productive states are:

Manipulation of the end-products of fermentation and digestion has been discussed in Chapter 5. In this section the relative needs for each class of nu­trients are related to the various productive states. Methods of achieving the optimum balance of nutri­ents are proposed, taking into account the constraints associated with the use of the feed resources that are likely to be available in developing countries.


VFA energy arises from fermentation in the rumen of all types of organic matter, though principally car­bohydrates. The principal way to increase VFA eergy in a particular feed is to increase the amount of it that is consumed and/or to increase its degrad­ability in the rumen by supplementing it with bypass protein or by treating the feed with alkali (mainly ammonia) or both.


Manipulation ofthe rumen to provide more protein and glucogenic precursors is still at the experimental stage. Dietary supplementation is the most obvious way of manipulating the supply of amino acids, glu­cose and glucose precursors that can be absorbed.


Most supplements are expensive and their use in ruminant nutrition competes with monogastric ani­mals and humans. However, if the primary feed re­source is a product which would have been wasted if it were not fed to ruminants, it can be argued that the ruminant uses the concentrate supplements more efficiently than monogastric animals (see Chap­ter 1). For this reason the term "catalytic" supplment has been used to describe supplements used in this way (Preston and Leng 1980). Milk, given in small amounts «2 litres daily) as a supplement to calves on a straw-or molasses-based diet, is a good example of a "catalytic" supplement.


It is essential that research should produce re­sponse relationships to distinguish economic from bi­ological optima. As a rule of thumb, the role of a supplement ceases to be "catalytic" when it com­prises more than about 30% of the diet dry matter. Beyond this point it assumes a major role and sub­stitution occurs.


The productive functions and the need for supple­mentary nutrients are discussed in order of the least to the most demanding.

7.2.2 Work

Work requires ATP generated from the oxidation of LCFAs, with obligatory requirements for glucogenic compounds and for amino acids (to repair the wear and tear of tissues and to replace protein secretions) (see Chapter 4).

The working animal can often obtain sufficient nu­trients from a nitrogen-deficient diet so long as it balances the protein-to-energy ratio needed for tissue turnover by "burning-off''' acetate that is in excess of requirements. However, bodyweight loss may restrict the period of work. If the work is to be prolonged and weight loss is to be minimised, the nutrients avail­able must be balanced so as to meet the needs of the working animal. The digestibility and the intake of the basal diet may also have to be increased by supplementing with urea to correct a deficiency of fermentable nitrogen in the rumen (see Chapter 4). This may be the only manipulation that is necessary, but supplements that are rich in fat and bypass pro­tein could be beneficial, particularly where the animal is in a productive state (eg. pregnant or lactating). If weight loss continues because work is prolonged it may be necessary to increase the degradability of the basal diet, ego by ammoniation (urea ensiling).


The mature, unproductive ruminant does not ap­pear to require nutrients over and above those pro­vided by efficient fermentative digestion.


Since the heavily working animal uses largely LCFAs and glucose (Pethick and Lindsay 1982a; Leng 1985), the supplements used should contain or pro­vide these substrates. This is particularly important in the case of LCFAs, since their absorption and use for fat deposition, and then mobilisation and use for work are much more efficient and require less glucose oxidation than synthesis of fat from acetate and its subsequent use in muscle metabolism.


7.2.3 Maintenance

Maintenance alone obviously requires less energy than work; thus the demand for amino acids relative to energy is proportionately higher than in the work­ing animal. This will always be provided by a rumen system that has sufficient fermentable N. Animals in negative energy balance for an extended period on low-N, roughage-based diets extract more digestible energy from the basal diet when it is supplemented with fermentable N (see Table 9.8).

7.2.4 Growth

Growing animals have a very high requirement for amino acids for tissue synthesis and for glucose for oxidation in specific tissues (eg. brain). In addition, glucose is needed as a precursor of macromolecules. The high demand for glucose in productive animals is discussed in Chapter 4 (see Figures 4.3 and 4.5).


It is imperative to recognise that high growth rates cannot be supported on the products of fermenta­tive digestion and that bypass-protein supplements are essential to take advantage of the VFA energy absorbed.


Many factors influence the level of protein supple­mentation to be used. Response relationships must be established that relate protein supply to animal productivity for each basal (carbohydrate) resource and for the available protein meals. The response pattern will vary according to the nature of the basal diet and the particular protein supplement. This is demonstrated by data taken from Bangladesh and Cuba. Cattle on ammoniated (urea-ensiled) rice straw, when supplemented with only 50 g of fish meal per day increased their liveweight gain three­fold (Figure 8.3). On a molasses-based diet, 450 g of fishmeal per day were needed to raise liveweight gain from 300 to 900 g/d (Figure 8.19).


In some countries, legumes appear to offer a low­cost solution to providing bypass protein on the farm. Based on the premise of using protein economically, the intake of these forages should be restricted and therefore it is preferable to grow the legume in mono­culture rather than as a pasture. The amount of by­pass protein in a legume (green or dry and used as a supplement) has not been estimated but is not likely to be high when it is used as a small proportion of a diet based on low-digesti bili ty roughage (see discus­sion of legumes as a supplement). It may be benefi­cial to grow tannin-rich legumes where these are to be used as supplements to crop residues, whereas, if they are to comprise a large proportion of the diet, low­tannin legumes may be more appropriate (eg. feeding Leucaena with molasses/urea) (Hulman et ai. 1978).


The tree legumes, ego Giiricidia, Erythrina and Leucaena, have great potential as sources of legume fodder because they are high yielding and perennial. They are also deep-rooted and may have access to water and nutrients unavailable to smaller plants.


In animals fed low-N diets supplemented with legumes there is still a need to ensure that ammonia concentrations in the rumen are adequate by supply­ing fermentable N, usually as urea. It is also im­portant that the protein source, which is usually in short supply, should be partitioned between as many animals as possible.

7.2.5 Reproduction

Increases in fertility brought about through nutri­tion are usually attributed to increased energy in­take. There is, however, evidence that the supply of glucogenic precursors relative to total energy is an important feature of the improved energy status.

Conception and puberty

Recent studies have demonstrated that even when animals are grazing apparently nutritious pasture, the "quality" of the energy can be a limiting fac­tor. At the same metabolisable energy intake (the basal diet was low-N Coastal Bermuda grass hay), animals reached puberty at lower liveweights when glucose availability in the animal was increased (Ta­ble 7.3); however, the availability of protein (from the diet that supplied the glucose) is unknown and similar responses could have been elicited by supple­mental bypass protein.


Table 7.3: Feeding monensin to growing heifers on a basal diet of Bermuda-grass hay and concentrates increased propionate and decreased butyrate propor­tions in the rumen VFAs. Puberty was accelerated as evidence by the greater proportion of heifers cycling by the end of the test period.




Liveweight (kg)









Feed intake (kg)



Rumen VFA (% molar)












Total VFA (mM/litre)



Fertility (% heifers cycling)



Source: Moseley et al 1982



The effects of bypass protein on conception rates of cows grazing sub-tropical pasture during the dry season are shown in Table 7.4. A supplement provid­ing fermentable energy (molasses) had much less ef­fect on conception than a bypass-protein supplement, confirming the report of Moseley et al. (1982) that it is the "quality" of the energy (ie. energy in the form of glucogenic compounds) that is critical.


Table 7.4: Liveweight and conception rates of lac­tating beef cows (with first calf at foot) grazing na­tive pasture and supplemented with 1.86 kg of an energy concentrate (molasses 85%, cottonseed meal 12%, urea 17% and monammonium phosphate 1%) or 1.5 kg of a bypass protein meal (cottonseed meal) during periods when only dry pasture was available. There were 12 cows per group.

















Bypass protein




Source: Hennessy (1986).



The growth of the foetus

The growth of the conceptus has little effect on the protein and energy demand of ruminants until the last third of gestation, during which most of the foetal tissues are synthesised. Because of the low demand for nutrients by the pregnant uterus upto the begin­ning of the third trimester, it appears that nutrients provided by fermentative digestion can support the production of a calf or lamb with a normal birth weight. These animals are generally viable and will survive even where the diet of the dam is of low di­gestibility, provided that the diet is supplemented with urea. This was shown in studies in which urea was included in the drinking water of ewes on nitrogen-deficient pasture (Table 9.4).


Increases in calf birth weight were recorded when pregnant cattle given a basal diet of hay of low di­gestibility (45%) were supplemented with urea (Table 9.9). However, it was necessary to provide additional bypass protein to prevent body-weight loss or to pro­mote weight gain of the dam during pregnancy.


It appears that supplementing the diet with urea increases milk production to a level that ensures sur­vival of the offspring, but to allow the young animal to grow at a significant rate, milk yield must be in­creased further by feeding a bypass-protein meal.

Male fertility

Supplementary feeding has been shown to increase the fertility of male ruminants under extensive graz­ing conditions. In the extensive grazing systems in the dry tropics of Australia, mating of the beef herd usually starts immediately after the onset of the wet season. Elsewhere, bulls are often placed in the herd only 4 to 6 weeks into the wet season, even though the bulls may have lost 20% of their body weight dur­ing the dry season. Lindsay et al. (1982) showed that bulls could be maintained in good condition on low-N spear-grass pasture (which was also oflow digestibil­ity) by providing I kg of a protein supplement daily (Table 7.5). More importantly the circumference of the scrotum decreased considerably when no supplement was fed. There are strong indications that a bull with a smaller scrotal circumference is less fertile and has a lower libido (Blockey 1980). This shows that protein nutrition has an important influence on male fertility.

Table 7.5: The effects of supplementation with 1 kg per day of protected protein (80% formalde­hyde-treated cottonseed meal, 10% meat meal, 10% fish meal) on the liveweight change, feed intake and scrotal circumference of bulls fed spear grass pasture hay (Heteropogon contortus) containing 0.4% N.

Initial weight (kg)



Live weight change (kg)

- 40

+ 14

Feed intake (kg DM/d)









Change in scrotal



circumference (mm)

- 20


Source: Lindsay et al 1982

As with female fertility, there appears to be evi­dence for beneficial responses to manipulating pro­pionate production in the rumen. At the same feed in take, bulls reached puberty earlier and at puberty had a greater scrotal circumference and larger testi­cles when fed a diet giving high-propionate fermenta­tion than on a diet which resulted in low propionate concentration in the rumen (Table 7.6).


Table 7.6: Higher proportions of propionic acid in the rumen VFAs of growing bulls as a result of supple­mentation with the rumen manipulator "Lasalocid" are associated with greater testicular development and reduced both age and live weight at puberty.




Rumen VFA (% molar)












Total VFAs (mMjlitre)



Increase in scrotal



circumference (cm)1



Testicular volume (cm3)



Age at puberty (d)



Weight at puberty (kg)



Source: Neuendorff et al 1982

1.         From29 to 175 days


7.2.6 Milk production

The thesis developed throughout this book is that it is irrational to use large amounts of cereal grains for ruminant production in developing countries in the tropics.


This is in marked contrast with the strategies for milk production in industrialised countries where ce­real grains are the basis of the diet and these are eco­nomically priced in relation to the value of the milk; where nitrogenous fertilisers are readily available at competitive prices and the temperate climate allows ruminants to lose the heat produced by the digestion and metabolism of the large amounts of feed that are ingested by specialised dairy breeds (eg. Holstein-Friesian). The overall objective is to manage and feed specialised dairy cows to attain their genetic po­tential.


This has had the following consequences:

These technologies are not applicable to developing countries because the environmental conditions and the availability and prices of cereal grains are com­pletely different. Attempts to apply them in devel­oping countries have usually failed (Mason and Bu­vanendran 1982; Hodges 1984). Despite these expe­riences, such "technology transfer" continues to be advocated, and because grain-based concentrates are fed, milk is produced at the expense of the availabil­ity of human food. Where these highly nutritious feed resources could not be economically supplied, the re­sult has usually been disastrous because of low milk yields, impaired fertility and often high mortality.


The alternative to the establishment of a spe­cialised dairy industry is to encourage milk produc­tion from existing animal and feed resources, which are largely in the hands of small farmers. This means dependence on feeds such as crop residues, agro-in­dustrial byproducts and pastures of low digestibility and low N content. It also depends on the use of in­digenous cattle, which have often not been selected or developed for milk production, but rather for draught purposes or for survival characteristics.


The constraints to milk production using such re­sources are a function of the balance of nutrients re­quired for milk synthesis (see Chapter 4)). In sum­mary, it appears that a major constraint to milk pro­duction is the availability of glucogenic compounds to provide glucose for lactose synthesis, for oxidation and to provide the N ADPH needed for synthesis of milk fat.


There is good evidence that about 50% of the fatty acids of milk arise from dietary fat in large ruminants (Figure 4.16). This reduces considerably the imbaance between the needs for glucogenic energy reltive to total energy or protein in milk and that in the products of rumen digestion. The ewe appears to be disadvantaged in this respect (see Table 4.8). The higher the availability of alimentary LCFAs, the better the ruminant is able to cope with milk produc­tion (see Chapter 4). However, a minimum fat level in the diet is required in order to spare glucose for other purposes such as milk lactose synthesis.


For many feeding systems in the tropics the level of fat in the diet could be a primary constraint to milk production, particularly with diets based on molasses or sugar-cane.


The ruminant species that produce high-fat, 10w­protein milk (eg. buffaloes, sheep and camels) are likely to be the most suitable for producing milk on low-protein crop residues and sugar-rich agro­industrial byproducts, provided that fat is available from the diet.


Supplementation of lactating animals, particularly those on diets based on crop residues, sugar-rich agro­industrial byproducts and tropical pastures, should aim to correct the imbalances of nutrients for milk production. Supplementing the diet with bypass pro­tein usually increases feed intake and, as a conse­quence, increases milk production. But to balance energy quality, fat must be mobilised and glucose diverted from oxidation and tissue synthesis to lac­tose production; in these circumstances animals tend to lose body weight (0rskov et al. ] 977). Adding dietary fat may reduce this effect (see Chapter 4). Adding a source of bypass starch in such a diet bal­ances the ratio of glucogenic precursors to protein and energy and will tend to prevent mobilisation of body fat. Bypass starch does not stimulate feed intake and milk production is affected only slightly (Table 4.14).


The points to be stressed are that:

7.2.7 Wool or hair production

The effect of nutrition on wool production appears to be dependent almost entirely on the quantity and relative proportions of amino acids absorbed. There­fore, feed intake is the primary limitation to wool or fibre growth although at anyone feed intake, wool growth can be increased by altering the balance of protein relative to energy in the products of fermen­tati ve digestion (eg. by removing protozoa from the rumen (see Chapter 4). Thus on diets that require fermentative digestion, including those based on sug­ars or fibre, a bypass-protein supplement will increase wool growth (Table 7.7).


 Table 7.7: Goats and sheep on "high quality" carbohydrate feeds do not produce without bypass-protein supplements. Bypass starch appeared to also increase productivity. The animals were given a basal diet which was readily fermented in the rumen (35% oaten chaff, 25% maize flour, 15% molasses, 15% sucrose, 5% barley grain, 4.5% urea and 0.5% complete mineral/vitamin mixture). The basal diet was supplemented with 5% protected casein (formaldehyde-treated) 01' 5% protected casein and 10% cracked rice (bypass protein and starch).



Bypass protein

Bypass protein + starch








Daily gain (g/d)







Patch weight*







Feed intake (g/d)







Feed conversion (g DM/g gain)







Rumen fluid t1/2 (hr)







Source: Throckmorton et al. (1982).
Wool or hair clipped from a 10 cm2 mid-side patch (



7.2.8 Carry-over effects of ibalanced nutrition in early life

Under pastoral conditions with alternating wet and dry seasons, young stock post-weaning are almost ivariably S1l bjecied to a deficiency of protein relative to energy in the nutrients absorbed from the diges­tive tract and the balance of nutrients is aggravated by the low fat content of dry pastures. This results in reduced feed intake and energy deficiency.


In societies that depend on milk as a dietary staple, the young calf and people compete for milk. This is indicated by the purchase of maize by Kenyan pas­toralists during periods of low rainfall (and therefore at a time when pastures are deficient in protein and fermentable N). The maize purchases by the family were inversely related with milk off-take (Figure 7.1). Reducing the amount of milk available for the calves can be highly detrimental, particularly when the herd is grazing dry pastures or is being fed on crop residues. The cows will yield less at this time due to the imbalance of nutrients in the feed available. Thus the calf suffers on two counts: an imbalanced basal diet and a reduction in the supply of bypass nutrients from milk.

Figure 7.1: The influence of rainfall (active grass growth) on milk offtake and maize purchases (maize) in OlkarkaT ranch in Kenya. during periods of high milk production, maize purchases by the family are reduced, indicating substitution of cereal by milk in the family's diet. This shows the competition between human needs and those of the calves for available milk supplies (Source: ILCA 1985)


The male stock, because they are less valuable and not generally given supplements, often die from inani­tion resulting from protein deficiency. This is mani­fested as a low intake of the available feed, usually straw or grass which is low in fermentable Nand lacks the bypass nutrients that the calf would oterwise have received from the milk, but which is used instead by the family. In countries such as India, fe­male offspring are more prized and are often given supplements of young grass and sometimes byprod­ucts such as cottonseed meal. Their survival rate is much higher than that of the males.


Male stock that survive are often reared as replace­ment oxen, and their ultimate body size is important since, in countries where feed resources are scarce, a single ox for work is an obvious advantage in conserv­ing valuable feed resources. However, as body size is related to work capacity, a large animal is needed if the move to a single ox is to be successful.


In some countries there have been suggestions that the mature size of cat tIe and buffalo in the na­tional herd is being lowered because large animals are slaughtered instead of being used as sires. This has often led to special breeding programmes being es­tablished to increase the size of animals. As has been emphasised in Chapter 2, "breeding without feeding" can be highly irrational.


There are indications that cattle can be perma­nen tly stun ted if they are fed imbalanced diets in the pre-and post-weaning periods. The stunting may be due to reduced feed intake, particularly during dry seasons when the level of both fermentable Nand bypass protein limits intake and efficient utilisation of the available feeds (pasture and straw). It may also be due alia to protein deficiency. Two sets of information support this thesis.

Table 7.8: Comparisons between productivity indices for cattle in traditional grazing systems and on ranches in four African countries. The differences between the two groups in all countries is taken as supporting evidence for protein under-nutrition in cattle in traditional grazing system. The evidence for protein supple­mentation affecting birth weight, weaning weight and mature body size is given in Chapter 9





Live weight (kg)







2 years

4 years


Sudanese Fulani














White Fulani

tradi tional














tradi tional


























Source: ILCA 1985 (Unpublished)





The two sets of data strongly suggest that inade­quate protein nutrition and/or low feed availability at critical periods may lead to permanent stunting of cattle. The small size of cattle in traditional systems may be partly the result of inadequate nutrition in early life.


Little is known about the effects of early undernutrition on subsequent or potential milk production, which t:ould also be adversely affected. There appears to be a need to compare milk yields of stock raised under traditional and improved (supplementary feed) systems.


The proposed scheme is empirical but is considered to be appropriate for the conditions of most developing countries.

7.3.1  Balancing the rumen and the animal for critical nutrients

The first step is to select the basal carbohydrate resource according to availability, potential fer­mentability and pric.e. Supplementary nutrients should then be provided in accordance with their reative priorities (Table 7.9) and costs.

Table 7.9: Priorities for nutritional supple­ments in diets based on crop residues, sugar-rich agro-industrial byproducts or tropical crops that pro­duce large amounts of biomass

1. Fermentable nitrogen

3g N for every 100 g fer­mentable carbohydrate

2. Adequate rumen ecosystem

(a) Roughage characteristics

(b) Micro-nutrients

(c) Control of protozoal activity

3. Bypass nutrients

(a) Protein

(b) Starch

(c) Long-chain fatty acids

4. Balance of end-products of digestion in relation to total oxidative energy and animal needs
upply of:

(a) Amino acids

(b) Glucose and glucogenic compounds

(c) Long-chain fatty acids


 The first supplement to be considered should be a source of fermentable N (usually urea or ammo­nia) to ensure the level of rumen ammonia is above 150 mg/litre of rumen fluid. The generally recom­mended level of rumen ammonia for maximising mi­crobial growth is 50 mg/litre. However, this appears to be too low in terms of optimising the rate of degra­dation of fibrous substrate. Several experiments have shown that the disappearance rate of cellulose and fi­bre from nylon bags in the rumen is increased when the concentration of ammonia is raised to about 200 mgjlitre (see Figure 7.2; Krebs and Leng 1984; and Chapter 3).


Figure 7.2: Urea infused continuously into the ru­men of cattle on a diet of straw and minerals raised rumen ammonia levels and increased straw intake. The disappearance rate from nylon bags in the rumen of ammoniated (with anhydrous ammonia () or  urea-ensiling (0)) and untreated straw () and cotton wool () was increased as rumen ammonia level was increased up to 180 mg ammonia-N/litre of rumen fluid (Source: Perdok 1987).


The rate of dry matter loss from alkali-treated maize cob.s in nylon bags in the rumen increased lin­early as rumen ammonia concentration was raised from 30 to 120 mgjlitre of rumen fluid (Alvarez et al. 1983). Similarly, the optimum level of rumen am­monia for maximum rate of fermentation on starch­based diets was above 200 mgjlitre (Mehrez et al. 1977). However, it must be stressed that the rate of breakdown of starch in the rumen is probably never a constraint for the utilisation of grain-based diets. On the contrary, it may well be an ad vantage on such diets to have a lower-than-optimal rumen ammonia level to slow the fermentation rate.


In contrast, rate of degradation is of paramount importance when the diet is based on crop residues, because it is the rate of degradation offibre that even­tually limits feed intake and therefore animal produtivity.


When rumen ammoma levels are less than 150 mgjlitre it is recommended that the effects of adding urea should be monitored under the prevailing field/farm situation. As a general rule, if deficiency is suspected, urea should be added at the rate of about 1-2% of the organic matter in the diet. It is desirable that supplementation ensures an almost-continuous supply of ammonia-N in the rumen (see Chapter 5).


The second supplement should be a source of highly digestible forage, preferably legume or beet pulp given at about 10 to 20% of the diet. The exact ac­tion of this type of supplement on rumen function is not fully understood. In some way it helps to ensure a more efficient rumen environment for the digestion of cell wall carbohydrate (eg. increases fungal biomass).


The third supplement should be an oilseed meal, cereal bran or an animal-byproduct meal (supplying protein and fat) and should be given in amounts not to exceed 20% of the total diet dry matter. The 20% limit is to prevent intake of the supplement from reducing intake of digestible energy of the basal diet or substituting for the basal diet. Lesser amounts may be more economical, and it is imperative that feeding trials be carried out to define response relationships. In this way the amount of supplement can be related to animal productivity. The optimum level (in eco­nomic rather than biological terms) and the degree of response to the supplement will depend upon the fermentability of the basal diet.


Supplementation with a source of unreactive LCFAs (eg. calcium soaps) in addition to bypass pro­tein appears to be of great benefit (van Houtert and Leng 1987) but requires more research.

7.3.2 The role of minerals

The mineral nutrition of ruminants is a very large subject in its own right and it is beyond the scope of this presentation to do any more than highlight points that fall within the general philosophy.


The identification and correction of trace mineral deficiencies, particularly in grazing livestock, has had dramatic effects and this has focused research on this area. An example was the discovery of cobalt and copper deficiency in coast disease of sheep and their correction by supplementation in Australia (see for review Gardiner 1977). Many of the land areas defi­cient in minerals have been identified, often mapped and a number of approaches have been taken to cor­rect these deficiencies, including:

Many of these methods are described in a book edited by Grace (1983) and are not discussed further.


Almost all elements in the earth's crust have been detected in the animal body, but only a few have been proved to be nutrients and essential in the diet. The quantitative requirements for mineral nutrients are affected by a number of factors such as plane of nu­trition, management and nutrient interactions in the diet. Nutrient interactions are often of vital importance. For example, at a given dietary level of cop­per a sheep could die from hypo- or hyper-cuprosis depending on the level of sulphur and molybdenum in the diet (Underwood 1977).


Management strategies are often associated with imbalances in mineral nutrition. For example, hypocalcaemia in late pregnancy in sheep or early lactation in cattle appears to be a result of failure to mobilise bone calcium and can often be overcome by exposing animals in late pregnancy to periods of low calcium nutrition to help them "learn" to mo­bilise their calcium requirements from bone reserves (see Remberg 1972). Of great significance is whether the diet is balanced for critical nutrients (other than minerals).


Hence, productivity determines the need for min­erals, particularly the macro elements (eg. calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium). Often there is lit­tle need for mineral supplementation where animals are underfed or imbalanced for protein and/or glu­cose and fat.


Supplementation with minerals is often advocated where animals are just not "doing well" on low feed intakes or imbalanced feeds. It must be strongly em­phasised that mineral deficiencies often do not be­come apparent until a diet is balanced by supplemen­tation and productivity increases.


Soil eating or licking, depraved appetites, and geeral poor condition in livestock are often taken to indicate mineral deficiencies. Soil eating or licking has not been generally associated with specific min­eraI deficiencies, whereas depraved appetite for car­casses is often associated with phosphorus deficiency and botulism in areas where phosphorus deficiency is prevalent. General poor condition of stock in tropical countries appears to be more a problem of imbalance of nutrients but is often compounded by mineral dficiencies.

Mineral supplementation

The concentration of nutritional research effort on di­agnosis and correction of mineral deficiencies is highly commendable particularly where livestock on high quality feeds are not producing to expectation (MDowell et ai. 1984). However, this policy is much less relevant when, because of an imbalanced feed animals are at subsistence, or at only moderate levels of prduction.


The philosophy that has been stressed throughout this presentation is that resources are divided into basal diets and supplements. The supplements are generally the most expensive component of a diet as they are usually high in protein and/or oil and/or starch. Fortunately, many of these are good sources of minerals (ie. high phosphorus content of many cereal and oil milling byproducts). Because com­pounded mineral supplements are relatively expen­sive, often not available in small quantities, they are often out of the reach of smallholder farmers, or are difficult for them to obtain. The attitude we have taken in development programmes has been to use local and natural sources of minerals as a means of economising on the need to purchase proprietary min­eral mixtures. These include:


The principles underlying the development of feeding systems are based on:

In some instances the use of imported materials may be justified, especially where small amounts have dramatic (catalytic) effects. Urea and fish meal used as supplements in diets based on molasses or cereal straws are good examples.

7.4.1 Fermentable carbohydrate

Many naturally-occurring materials can be fed to ru­minants but relatively few of these are available in sufficient quantity for them to be used as the prin­cipal source of fermentable carbohydrate. The main feed resources that are available in sufficient quanti­ties include:

7.4.3 Fermentable nitrogen

A source of fermentable N must be added when the basal diet does not give rise to a sufficiently high level of rumen ammonia. The most important source is urea; animal excreta also falls in this category. The protein of some high-protein forages (eg. sweepotato foliage) is rapidly degraded to ammonia in the rumen. However, this implies the destruction of pro­tein, which should be avoided wherever possible (eg. it may be better to feed this forage to monogastric animals).


It is emphasised that fermentation (deamination) of protein is not only wasteful of protein but it is energetically inefficient (Chapter 3). A kilogram of protein yields only about 60 g of digestible micro­bial protein, compared with about 200 g of digestible microbial protein from the same amount of carbo­hydrate. Because the protein is converted to VFAs and ammonia, feeding a highly soluble protein as a basal source of fermentable organic matter can ac­tually imbalance the protein to energy ratio in the end-prod uets absorbed if none of the protein escapes degradation in the rumen.

7.4.3 Supplements which contribute to creating an efficient rumen ecosystem

The characteristics of a feed that contribute to an efficient rumen are:

Table 7.10: On a liquid molasses-based diet, feed in­take decreases and rumen liquid volume increases as the stimulatory value of the supplementary forage is reduced (by fine grinding) or removed completely



Plus forage


Dehydrated and ground

DM intake, kg/d




Rumen contents, kg DM




Source: Preston 1972


Many of the above factors appear to be present in green forage (Figure .5.4). Leguminous plants are probably better than grasses in this respect since they may also provide a source of bypass protein. Nor­mally 20% of the dry matter of a diet in the form of green forage is enough to meet the requirement for microbial nutrients. However, even smaller amounts have increased animal performance.

7.4.4 Bypass protein

Once the supply of fermentable N is assured and a small supplement of green forage has been included in a diet, the next limitation to productivity will be the availability of amino acids in the intestine. For many of the feed resources that will be used in trop­ical countries, the value of bypass protein lies in its effects on increasing efficiency of use of absorbed nu­trients and on increasing voluntary intake. This is in addition to its complementary role to microbial protein. Protein that is slowly degradable may prvide amino acids and peptides for microbial growth m addition to providing bypass protein.

7.4.5 Bypass starch and glucogenic precursors

Absorption of glucose increases glucogenic energy rel­ative to total metabolisable energy. In addition, en­ergy losses associated with glucose synthesis in the animal and also fermentative losses in the rumen are avoided. Supplements that increase propionic acid relative to the other VFAs increase the amount of glucogenic energy available and also have smaller fementative losses. The important role of these nutri­ents is to increase the efficiency with which metabolis­able energy is used for productive purposes.


Although all sources of starch are fermented copletely in the rumen given enough time, there are marked differences among them in their rates of degradation. Starches from maize, rice, banana and, to a lesser extent, sorghum, appear to have charac­teristics that permit them partially to escape fermen­tation in the rumen; in contrast, the starch in cassava and sweet-potato roots are fermented rapidly in the rumen (see Figure 7.3).


Figure 7.3: The rate of degradation of the dry matter of maize and rice gr'ains in nylon bags in the rumen of cattle is slower than that of cassava root meal. The cattle were fed on chopped sugar-cane supplemented with urea and minerals (Source: Santana and Hovell 1979a).


7.4.6 Long chain fatty acids

Supplementation with LCFAs appears to have two opposing effects. Increasing the LCFA component of a low-fat diet increases the efficiency of feed utilisa­tion, especially for milk production (Chapters 4 and 5). On high-fibre diets (such as crop residues) more than 5% lipid in the diet depresses fibre digestion. However, recent work with protected fats and soaps has shown that addition of LCFAs in these forms in­creases feed utilisation for milk production substan­tially (see Palmquist 1984).


A vail able sources of fatty acids include oilseeds, oilseed residues (particularly expeller cakes), and milling offals or brans and, in some countries, an­imal byproducts such as tallow. The effectiveness of any lipid source will be enhanced by protection (formaldehyde/protein com plexes -- Ferguson 1975) or by saponification with calcium salts (Palmquist and Jenkins 1982).

7.4.7  Feeds and other materials with a capacity to manipulate the rumen microbial biomass

Manipulation of rumen fermentation using natural feeds is becoming more feasible as knowledge of the processes of rumen digestion develops. The objec­tives of dietary manipulation are discussed in detail in Chapter 5. In general, manipulation aims at in­creasing propionate production (G/E ratio), improv­ing the ratio of protein to energy (P /E ratio) in ab­sorbed nutrients and increasing digestibility.


Increasing the proportion of propionate in the products of fermelltation has been associated primar­ily with adding the chemical monensin to high-quality fattening diets for cattle in Europe and North Amer­ica. Tropical feed resources such as poultry litter or high oil meals appear to perform a similar role.


There must be considerable potential for using small amounts of plant materials containing elements that affect specific groups of rumen micro-organisms, and therefore act in a similar way to chemical addi­tives. This possibility does not seem to have been explored, but changes in the proportions of VFAs in the rumen have been observed where poultry litter has been added to the diet and has enhanced animal performance (Chapter 8). At present the control of protozoa with secondary plant compounds appears to be one of the possibilities for increasing fibre digestibility in crop residues (see Chapter 5).



The primary limiting nutrients for production on most tropical feed resources are fermentable N, gluco­genic precursors, bypass protein and dietary LCFAs. Urea, oilseed cakes, byproducts of cereal milling and animal-byproduct meals are the logical supplements when available. However, there are many situations in which farmers do not have access to these supple­ments because they are either not available locally or too expensive. In addition, there is often a reluctance to use urea because of the fear of toxicity.

7.5.1 Livestock excreta

Excreta from all types of livestock have been used in livestock rations. It is obvious that excreta in general must be a poor source of fermentable carbhydrate and protein; however, LCFAs (probably as soaps) may build up in litter as small amounts will be present in faeces and they are only slowly degraded by micro-organisms in the litter. Microbial growth in the litter will therefore tend to concentrate the soaps. Excreta from ruminants are high in refractory cell wall carbohydrate with smaller amounts of mi­crobial cells (from the caecum) and some urea if the urine is incorportated with the faeces. Monogastric species produce the most valuable excreta, and espcially in the case of poultry there may be considerable contamination with wasted feed grains. Excreta from poultry are rich in N, mostly as uric acid which is hdrolysed to ammonia by rumen micro-organisms.


Excreta (often depathogenised with formalin) have been used widely in the developed countries as a component of cereal-grain-based diets, in which their main contribution is as a source of non-protein N and minerals.


In developing countries, only poultry litter has found ready acceptance as a component of livestock feeds. It appears to playa particularly appropriate role in high-molasses diets, in which it complements the readily fermentable sugars and the low levels of fermentable N and of phosphorus in the basal diet. There is also evidence that adding small amounts of poultry litter to a molasses-based diet in some way alters rumen fermentation towards producing a larger proportion of propionate and less butyrate (Table 5.2), and that this is reflected in higher levels of animal performance (see Chapter 8). The data in Table 7.11 indicate that poultry lit­ter is not a source of bypass protein, which is to be expected in view of its chemical characteristics.


Table 7.11: Comparison of sunflower cake with poul­try litter as supplements for grazing cattle




Poultry litter

Sunflower cake

Live weight gain, g/d













Source: Delgado et al 1979

7.5.2 Legume forages and foliages from food crops

An alternative resource that can serve as a source of fermentable N and of bypass protein is a forage crop grown on the farm, or produced as a byproduct or residue from a food crop. A legume crop has the additional ad vantage of being able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and thus to reduce the need for fertiliser N.


In the tropics, tree legumes have a special role since they can also be used to provide shade (eg. in coffee plantations), and serve as 'live' fences and as sources of fuel. They are also usually perennial and some can be established easily from cuttings (eg. those used for 'live' posts).


Legume trees which are now used commercially as sources of supplements include leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) and ery­thrina (Erythrina glauca and E. poeppigiana). Cas­sava, sweet potatoes and, to a lesser extent, bananas also provide valuable forage.


Some results from using these materials as supplements to molasses-based diets are given in Chapter 8.


In temperate countries legumes have long been used as an alternative to nitrogenous fertilisers for in­creasing pasture production. It has also been recog­nised that they have a higher nutritive value than grasses, apparently because of their higher protein content. The metabolisable energy in legumes is also used more efficiently for productive purposes than that of grasses of the same digestibility (see Table 7.12).


Table 7.12: More protein (ie. non-ammona-N (NA)) reaches the small intestine (Sf) of sheep when the diet is composed of white clover rather than ryegrass. Total N in the dry matter (DM) in both species was adequate to support efficient rumen fer­mentation and the implication is that more protein in the clover escapes fermentation. The higher effi­ciency of utilisation of the metabolisable energy for fattening (Kf) % on the clover compared with the grass confirms work reported elsewhere and implies that legumes are superior to grasses as sources of nu­trients


Lolium perenne

Trifolium repens

N in DM (%)



NAN entering



51 (gjkg DM intake)



Organic matter



digestibility (%)






energy (MJjkg DM)



Kf (%)



Source: Beever et al 1980; Ulyatt et al 1980


Tropical grasses support lower levels of animal pro­duction than temperate grasses, mainly because they con tain less nitrogen and are less digestible (see Min­son 1980). The low productivity from tropical patures has stimulated considerable research aimed at developing grass-legume associations for tropical con­ditions. The presence of legumes in the sward has led to increases in animal production, but mainly in terms of productivity per unit area rather than per animal (see Mannetje 1981 and Chapter 9).


The present discussion is restricted to the role of legumes as supplements in feeding systems based on low-N crop residues and byproducts.


7.5.3  Attributes of legumes as supplements

In developing countries where competition for land for crops or grazing is high, the area likely to be sown to legumes will almost always be a small proportion of the total area. It follows therefore that the role of a legume must be to increase the efficiency of utilisation of the basal diet (ie. usually a crop residue) at low levels of supplementation (usually less than 20%) and used "catalytically".


As a priority, the legume should have a high protein content to supply both fermentable and bypass pro­tein. There will be additional benefits if it contains other critical nutrients (eg. lipids, minerals, vitamins and other plant compounds) that enhance the rumen ecosystem so as to increase microbial growth, rate of fibre digestion, propionate production and escape of dietary protein (eg. contain tannins).


There are two sets of data that indicate the suit­ability of legumes as sources of fermentable Nand bypass protein. These arise from comparative stud­ies with grasses and animal response trials.

Temperate legumes

The data in Table 7.12 show that, compared with rye­grass, white clover contains more N in total and pro­vides more protein that is available for intestinal di­gestion in sheep. This almost certainly indicates that a proportion of the legume protein escapes rumen fer­mentation. The fact that the efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy is higher for a legume than a grass is further evidence that the digestion of legumes provides a better balance of nutrients for productive purposes than is the case with grasses. However, pro­tein from white clover only appears to escape rumen fermentation at high intakes of the clover. Therefore when it is used as a supplement to a fibrous feed it may only provide fermentable N. Clover also provides highly digestible carbohydrate which will increase the digestibility of the basal diet. It also provides lipids which may help to reduce the amount of glucose that is oxidised for synthesis of adipose tissue or milk fat (Chapter 4).


It is likely that legume forages that are rich in tan­nins will be better sources of bypass protein than low-tannin legumes, since tannins link with proteins during mastication, and appear to reduce microbial degradation of plant proteins (Reid et al. 1974). The high levels of tannins in Lotus pedunculatus, whilst protecting protein from degradation, reduce

digestibility of fibre by inhibiting the activity of bacteria (Chesson et al. 1982) and fungi (Akin and Rigsby 1985). Barry (1985) considered that the ideal concentration of condensed tannins was 20 to 40 g/kg of diet dry matter, and that higher levels (76 to 90 g/kg) were detrimental. He also found that sheep could adapt to high tannin levels. Provided that tannin-rich plants are used only as supplements (eg. less than 25% of the diet dry matter) there is unlikely to be a serious problem and their presence in the diet may well be beneficial (Barry and Manley 1984).


Recent research in New Zealand (D W Dellow and J V Nolan, unpublished) comparing the utilisation of mature and immature ryegrass and white clover by sheep, demonstrated three points (Figure 7.4 and Figure 7.5):


Figure 7.4: Relationship between ruminally unde­graded (bypass) protein and organic-matter intake in sheep fed clover 01' ryegrass cut at two stages of ma­turity (Source: D Dellow and J V Nolan, unpublished data).

Figure 7.5: Relationship between microbial nitrogen flow to the abomasum and organic-matter intake in sheep fed clover 01' ryegrass cut at two stages of ma­turity (Source: D Dellow and J V Nolan, unpublished data).


Thus, if temperate clovers and immature grasses are to be used as bypass protein supplements, their effectiveness will depend on the level of intake of the basal diet.


Table 7.13: Preparation of clover before feeding to sheep markedly affects the amounts of amino acids flowing to the small intestine (51). Freezing 01' arti­ficially drying and pelleting both apparently increase dietary protein avoiding fermentation in the rumen. ma­turity (Source: D Dellow and J V Nolan, unpublished data).





Amino acid intake, g/d




Amino acids entering SI, g/d




Sources: MacRae and Ulyatt (1974); Beever et al. (1971).

While some of the protein in some legumes ap­pears to be able to escape rumen fermentation, the greater part-at least in the fresh plant-is rapidly degraded by rumen micro-organisms. This is well il­lustrated by the data in Table 7.13, which show that the quantity of amino acids flowing to the small in­testine of sheep was highest when clover was dehy­drated; intermediate in frozen material; and lowest on the fresh herbage. Assuming a constant rate of microbial growth in the rumen on all diets, it can be estimated that less than 25% of the protein consumed escaped to the small intestine when the fresh material was fed (see MacRae 1976).


In these trials, the whole diet consisted of legume. If fresh legume forages are given as supplements (less than 20% of dietary DM intake) to a diet based on dry forages, its bypass-protein contribution may be very small. It must be considered therefore as mainly pro­viding fermentable N. Theoretically, including a high­protein legume as 20% of a straw-based diet should provide most of the ammonia needed by the rumen microbes. However, if the legume is given as a sin­gle feed, say early in the morning, the ammonia may be used wastefully and a deficiency of fermentable N might occur later in the day. There is therefore an ur­gent need to examine what level of supplementation with fresh legume forage is necessary to maintain ru­men ammonia levels consistently above the critical value (eg. 150 mg/litre).


In situations in which the fermentable N require­ment can be met from other sources (eg. urea or an­imal excreta) the need is to reduce the degradability of the legume protein so as to increase the propor­tion of bypass protein. This has been shown to occur when a forage is artificially dried and more so when pelleted (see Table 7.13).


It will rarely be economic to dehydrate or pellet legume forages, and sun drying is the only feasible al­ternative. Nolan and Leng (1972) showed that about 60% of the protein in sun-dried lucerne apparently escaped rumen fermentation. Sun drying is never­theless not as effective as dehydration as a means of protecting the protein (see Table 7.14).


Table 7.14: Effect of drying temperature on solubility and digestibility of nitrogen and nitrogen balance in lambs fed dried lucerne


Soluble N

N digestibility (%)

N retention

















Source: Goering and Waldo 1974

As discussed earlier, secondary plant compounds such as tannins are known to protect dietary pro­teins against microbial attack in the rumen. Thus if a freshly harvested legume given as a supplement is to provide bypass protein then it should be se­lected for a relatively high content of tannins, even though this will depress fibre digestibility (Reid et al. 1974). This point is illustrated by the data in Table 7.15, which show that, although the tannin­containing legumes (trefoil and sainfoin) were less palatable than lucerne, they supported higher growth rates in heifers. The authors concluded that this was because more of the protein in the tannin-containing legumes escaped degradation in the rumen. Generally these are richer in tannins than are tem­perate legumes and therefore should function better as sources of bypass protein.


Table 7.15: Relative palatability of four legume for­ages and the live weight gains of heifers grazing on them as the sole source of feed.

Legume forage

Relative palatability

LW gain




Birdsfoot trefoil






Cicer milk vetch



Source: Marten and Ehle 1984


The data in Table 7.16 show that the foliage of the legume trees gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) is highly digestible and that the nitrogen is fermented at a slower rate than the dry matter indicating the likelihood that some of the nitrogen (protein) will escape the rumen fermentation. The use of foliage from legume trees as a source of bypass protein is discussed in Chapter 8.


Table 7.16: Rates of loss of dry matter (DM) and ni­trogen (N) from Leucaena and Gliricidia foliage in­cubated in nylon bags in the rumen of a goat fed a mixture (60:40 basis) of Gliricidia and Leucaena fo­liage. Mean values for 10 bags.


Components of foliage




Green bark

Green bark

DM loss in 24 h, %














N loss in 24h, %














Source: IFE 1984



It must be emphasised that when legumes contain a large proportion of protected protein, some other source of rumen-fermentable N will be required.


What is the minimum information required in order to identify and classify feed resources for the functions set out above?


It is quite clear that the classical system of proxi­mate analysis and even the more sophisticated metods for identifying the components of plant cell walls (ie. ADF and NDF) provide little information for the development of feeding systems that aim to use tropical feed resources efficiently. The application of the van Soest ADF and NDF analysis is in basic re­search to provide understanding of the dynamics of fibre fermentation in the rumen (van Soest 1982).

7.6.1 Sources of fermentable carbohydrates

The factors that determine the value of a carbohy­drate source for ruminants are:

Chemical analysis for lignin is relatively complex and does not indicate the degree to which the lignin is cross-linked with the other potentially fermentable components, which is the final determinant of the rate of digestibility and total digestibility.


The most appropriate method for obtaining an in­dication of the nutritional potential of a carbohydrate

resource is the nylon bag technique for measuring digestibility (0rskov et al. 1980). Many modifications have been made to this method, usually with the objectives of standardisation or of describing the rates of disappearance of the dry matter or fibre component.


For practical purposes the two parameters that are most relevant in terms of describing the relative fer­mentability of a carbohydrate source are:

It must be emphasised that the nylon bag method should be used for comparative purposes. It is essen­tial that researchers use internal standards to relate the degradability of a new feed resource to one that is known. The method is location specific and should be used to measure the relative fermentability of feed and to provide information concerning the efficiency of the rumen ecosystem or the capacity of the feed to escape the rumen.


Feed resources that have an organic-matter degrad­ability of less than 40% in 48 hours have little poten­tial for supporting growth and lactation but they may have application in a diet for working animals. To be used as a feed resource for milk and meat production such feeds would need to be submitted to some phys­ical or chemical treatment to increase their suscepti­bility to fermentation by rumen micro-organisms.

7.6.2 Fermentable nitrogen

It is useful to know the total content of N in a feed, and most feeds have been analysed and their N con­tents are known within relatively narrow limits.


The N content of a feed is not always a reliable indicator of (i) its capacity to provide ammonia to meet the requirements of rumen micro-organisms or (ii) the amount of bypass protein that it will provide. For example, some high-protein meals are only slowly degraded in the rumen and ammonia levels are too low to meet the requirements of efficiently growing


The solubility of protein (measured as N) when the feed is macerated in artificial saliva or a buffer solu­tion (pH 6.5) gives a useful indication of the bypass protein content of a meal. However, the simplest and most appropriate method for determining whether the N requirements of microbes are met by a par­ticular meal is to measure the level of ammonia in rumen fluid of animals receiving that feed.


Rumen ammonia levels on most feeds probably ought to exceed 150 mg/litre. On fibrous diets am­monia levels apparently need to be considerably in excess of the generally accepted level of 50 mg/litre (Figure 7.2). As a guide, if rumen ammonia levels are less than 100 mg/litre of rumen fluid some 6 hours af­ter the animal has begun to feed/graze, then a source of fermentable N should be added to the diet, usually at a rate of about 10-20 g N /kg of degradable organic matter. The most available sources of fermentable N are urea, animal excreta and, to a lesser extent, green forage.


The data m Figure 5.3 show that high levels of cottonseed meal in a diet based on molasses and straw did not provide the minimum levels of ammonia needed in rumen fluid. This was probably because of solvent extraction and pelleting of the meal -- processes that depress solubility. In this basic diet the addition of urea was much more effective in raising the level of rumen ammonia to the desired level, at the same time allowing the protein meal to be used more efficiently as a bypass nutrient.

7.6.3 Rumen function and feed resources

The nylon bag technique can be used to determine if the rumen ecosystem provides the optimum conditions for fermentation. In most cases the objective will be to maximise the rate of degradation of the cell wall components, principally cellulose and hemicellu­lose. For this purpose, the basal diet should be fed to animals fitted with rumen cannulae. Placing pure cellulose (eg. cotton wool) or some other source of ground fibre in the nylon bags and measuring rates of degradation will indicate if the microbial ecosystem is optimal for the digestion of a fibrous feed resource (see Figure 7.2).


As has been already indicated, with ruminants fed crop residues the improvement in the rumen ecosys­tem is most readily brought about by supplementa­tion with small amounts of green forage. Other useful supplements in this respect may be those supplying minerals (particularly Sand P), vitamins and co-factors, as appears to be the case with poultry litter and molasses.  


Providing urea will also improve the rumen ecosys­tem when there is a deficiency of N in the basal diet (Chapter 3). Figure 5.4 illustrates how this method can be used to demonstrate the stimulatory effects of green forage on the rumen ecosystem in sheep receiving a basal diet of sisal pulp. The digestibility of cellulose in 48 hours was increased by a factor of almost 2 when 25% of the sisal pulp was substituted by green African Star grass. There was no further increase in rate of digestion of the cellulose when the amount of green forage in the diet was increased to more than 25%.


The proportions of the rumen VF As and the popu­lations of protozoa, bacteria and fungi (free in liquid and on particles) are indicative of the fermentation pattern and also indicate possible deficiencies in pro­tein and/or glucogenic energy (Chapter 4).

7.6.4 Bypass protein

Characterising a supplement according to its con­tent of bypass protein can only be done in a feeding trial. Generally two experiments will be required. In the first, growing lambs or young cattle (recently weaned) should be fed the basal diet already supple­mented with fermentable N and a small amount of green forage (in case of known deficiencies of these two factors). The different sources of bypass pro­tein should then be added to the basal diet in fixed quantities equivalent to approximately 15 g N /100 kg liveweight.


In the second experiment, the most promlsmg source of bypass protein should be included in a sur­face response trial in which increasing amounts of the supplement are given in the range of zero to 20 g N /100 kg liveweight. In all cases the basal diet must be adequately supplemented with fermentable Nand factors for optimising the rumen ecosystem. Accord­ing to the nature of the response (measured in terms ofliveweight gain or wool growth in the case of sheep) it will be possible to determine the level of protein supplementation that gives optimal economic results.


It is important to emphasise that the economic otimum normally will be at a lower level of protein supplementation than that which provides the maxi­mum biological response. A promising method (Leng et al. 1984) uses the relative responses of wool growth in mature sheep as a criterion of rumen bypass and relates the response to a standard protein (in this case formaldehyde-treated casein). The advantage of using wool growth, rather than milk production or

liveweight gain, as an index of the amount of by­pass protein in the meal is that consecutive experi­ments can be done with the same animals.

7.6.5 Glucogenic precursors

There are essentially two effects that will stimulate the proportion of glucogenic substrate in the nutri­ents absorbed from a diet. These are:

Supplements that stimulate ruminal propionate production generally reduce methane production; these include cereal grains and seeds with high oil content, particularly cottonseed. Feeding a source of oil in addition to altering the glucogenic ratio in VFAs also reduces protozoal numbers in the rumen on forage-based diets (see Table 7.17). It is possible that both propionate and protein are increased in the nutrients absorbed when an oilseed is included in a forage diet. However, a high oil content in a forage­based diet reduces digestibility. As the influences of supplements in the rumen are difficult to predict, the only recourse for assessing a supplement's effect is to measure VFA proportions in rumen fluid taken by stomach tube.


Table 7.17: The effects of supplements of cottonseed oil or whole cottonseed (20% oil) on fermentative pat­terns and protozoal numbers in the rumen of sheep given a basal diet of wheat straw or oaten chaff re­spectively. The potential "beneficial" effects on VFA proportions and protozoal numbers in the rumen are counteracted by a decreased fibre digestibility.


Cottonseed oil (g/d)

Whole cotton seed (g/d)

  0 9 0 75 150

Rumen fluid






VFA (mM)






VFA proportions
























Protozoal Nos.






(x 10-4/ml)






Source: Bird and Dicko (1987).





The extent to which starch escapes fermentation will depend on many factors including the basal diet, intake, rate of solubilisation and fermentation of the starch. This latter will be affected by its crystalline structure and associated feed materials (eg. waxes). There appears to be no way, at present, of predicting the quantity of starch from a supplement that may es­cape from the rumen. In this respect the grains most resistant to degradation in the rumen appear to be maize, sorghum and rice. Broken rice in rice pollard appears to be an important component. In unpub­lished research from Mexico, where the broken rice in rice polishings was substituted (was adulterated illegally) by lime stone chips, cattle growth rates on chopped sugar cane supplemented with this byprod­uct were markedly depressed compared with animals given rice pollard containing broken rice. The depres­sion in production was due to inefficient utilisation of feed.


An indication of the potential for starch to bypass the rumen can be obtained using the nylon bag tech­nique, with fistulated cattle or sheep on a standard diet. The rate of loss of starch from a nylon bag in the rumen compared with starch loss from a barley sample (which is known to be almost totally digested in the rumen) will give an indication of the likelihood and extent of rumen bypass.

7.6.6 Long-chain fatty acids

An indication of the amount of lipids that a feed cotains appears to be relatively easily obtained by sim­ple Soxhlet extraction. However, variable quantities of other materials may be present in such an extract and if research continues to demonstrate a critical role for the LCFAs as means of increasing the effi­ciency of utilisation of a feed, the components of the ether extract will have to be characterised more care­fully in terms of the component fatty acids.


As LCFAs may be present in some supplements as insoluble soaps-largely calcium-(eg. in poultry manure), acid hydrolysis prior to solvent extraction is recommended.

7.6.7 Minerals

This is a most diffuse area to cover, because in pratice the mineral composition of most feedstuffs is variable and dependent on the minerals in soil and the manufacturing process. The practice of provid­ing minerals from available resources has to take into consideration many interacting factors. The skill of the nutritionists (and the intuition and experience of the farmer) must be paramount in decision-making. The nutritionist must have an in depth knowledge of mineral nutrition on which he must base many of his decisions.


Is mineral deficiency the first consideration in the development and improvement of livestock produc­tion strategies? The answer is clearly no; the first step is to maximise the utilisation of the least-cost basal diet by supplementation and/or manipulation to secure the optimum balance of organic nutrients. Following production trials, problems of mineral defi­ciencies (either acute or chronic) may become appar­ent and then steps may be taken to rectify these by either changing the supplements or adding to them a particular blend of minerals.


In practice, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium and the trace elements cobalt, copper, selenium, zinc and iodine are the minerals most likely to be in short supply.


A most important aspect of supplementation is that the commodities used to balance the metabolic nutrients may overcome a primary mineral deficiency. The mineral composition of the most important sup­plements is given in Table 7.18.

Table 7.18: Levels of minerals in some supplements that can be used to correct essential mineral deficiencies. Cobalt is notably absent from this list and its content in plants is variable but the green, leafy vegetables and leaves of trees, legumes and browse plants and grasses are relatively rich sources which contain 0.2-0.6 ppm Co (Underwood 1 977). Legumes are often richer in Co than grasses but this difference is less marked when soils are deficient in this element. It appears rational to suppose that deep rooting trees, particularly legumes may be important sources of Co in deficient areas.


Poultry manure









Molasses cane

Rice bran/ polishings

Wheat bran

Cottonseed meal

Bone Meal

% in DM








Crude protein








Crude fat
































































ppm in DM
















































Source: Allen 1982









The following examples indicate the approach that should be taken to correct mineral inadequacies by using locally available feeds.

Poultry manure

Poultry manure at about the 10% level is likely to supply all deficient minerals in straw and dry pature, especially if there is additional fortification with molasses.

Byproducts of cereal grain milling

Rice polishings and wheat bran are high in phospho­rus (1.2-1.4%) and if fed at between 10 and 15 % of the diet they should correct imbalances of this min­eral in most crop residues and byproducts.


This feed is widely available. It is low in phosphorus but is rich in calcium and trace elements, with the

possible exception of cobalt. Usually the sulphur level is sufficient (0.3-0.4%) to balance added urea in order to maintain the recommended 10:1 N:5 ratio.

Foliage from legume trees

Leaves from most plants appear to be good sources of cobalt and other trace elements.


These can can often be used in small quantities par­ticularly to supply phosphorus.



  1. Estimate, using the nylon bag technique, the sol­uble component and the 48-hour loss of dry mat­ter of the available carbohydrate resource.

Interpretation: If the 48-hour loss converted to a standard of known digestibility is 55-65% then the feed has a high potential to support growth and milk production. If the apparent digestibil­ity in nylon bags is between 45 and 50% the po­tential is low and chemical treatment may be considered. Below 40%, there is little likeli­hood of the feed resource being useful for pro­ductive purposes without treatment to increase digestibility.

2.   Give the basal feed resource to a group of four animals (preferably weaned calves of about 150 kg and 9-12 months of age); measure the intake and note the general performance of the ani­mal in terms of the symptoms of digestive or metabolic upsets that could indicate the pres­ence of toxic components in the feed.


Interpretation: If the daily intake of dry matter is less than 2 kg/IOO kg liveweight, it is likely that there are deficiencies of nutrients for rumen organisms or that there is an imbalance between the amount of amino acids and the amount of energy absorbed.


3.   Take a sample of rumen fluid (use a stomach tube with non-fistulated animals) and measure the level of ammonia.


Interpretation: If the level of ammonia is less than 150 mg/litre of rumen fluid it may be nec­essary to add a source of fermentable N (usually urea at 1 g N/100 g dry matter of the basal diet).


4. Carry out a feeding trial to determine the adquacy of the rumen ecosystem and the balance between protein and energy absorbed. The basal diet should be supplemented to be sure that there is no deficiency of fermentable N. Two treatments (supplements) should be com­pared using a factorial arrangement of the treat­ments (2 x 2) with two replications, requiring a total of eight animals fed and penned individu­ally. The treatments should be:

The economics aspect in this phase is of less importance, the main objective being to study whether there is a need to supplement the diet with bypass protein. The basal feed resource should be given ad libitum. Measurements should include the intake of dry matter, the rate of liveweight gain and feed coversion. The experiment should last at least 84 days.


The rate of liveweight gain should be estimated by regression analysis of fortnightly liveweights (Y = kg) and time on experiment (X = days).


Simultaneously with the above trial, the effect of green forage on the rumen ecosystem can be assessed (using the nylon bag technique) and the level of ammonia in the rumen fluid can be de­termined at intervals over 24 hours.

Interpretation: The results from the above trials should indicate whether it is beneficial to sup­plement the basal diet with:

(a) small amounts of a green forage;

(b) urea or some other source of fermentable N

(c) bypass protein, or a combination of these.


5.   Having established the need for supplementary green forage and bypass protein, the final step is to evaluate the response curve to different sources of bypass protein and LCFAs (as soaps or protected fat). However, before recommenda­tions on the use of fat can be made, considerable research is needed.


The most difficult step is to assess the effective­ness of the feeding strategy that is developed in terms of the balance of the final end-products of digestion. Feed intake is one of the best guides. However, ac­etate clearance rate (see Chapter 4) appears to reflect directly the complete assembly of nutrients for a given productive state and can be measured in the intact animals at the end of, or during, a feeding or grazing trial.


A detailed description of the proposed methods is given in FAO (1986).


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